I’ve been itching to print lately and finally I’ve been able to have a scratch.
The only problem is, my flat has been completely taken over by penguins.
Penguins on trying to hide in patterns,

Penguins lazing about on the kitchen floor,

Turquoise penguins

Calico Riso penguins

Lurking all about the place

In fact, my “studio” has been entirely swamped with them!

Not too bad for a Saturday morning!
It was great becoming reacquainted with my screen and squeegee. I also tried to do some more riso prints, but the results were disappointing (the pengies with the drawn shading not the solid colour.) I think its because I mounted the screen on a piece of corrugated plastic with a hole cut out in the middle, so there is no "twang" to the screen, and it’s not attached to a board properly.
I have attached hinges to my “proper” screen and to a piece of wooden board which makes printing so much easier, and as the hinges’ pins are long I don’t have to push them in all the way so I can take the screen off the board easily to wash it.

Yester day I finished a lino cut that I began ages ago. I have done screen prints of the same image, so it will be interesting to see which one I like more. I love cutting lino, but I’m not so great at printing with it – when I’ve used a press I haven’t had problems, but that’s not something I have access too. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes!